A one of a kind partnership with mothers to understand and address their child’s gastro issues better.

Stress and anxiety related to a child’s healthy & balanced diet is a major concern bothering many mothers today. The pressure to encourage a child to eat a healthy balanced diet is extremely overwhelming and many a times, the anxiety makes the mother succumb to the demands of the child for unhealthy food that can lead to some serious, and some not-so-serious gastro-related issues, such as:

  • Digestive Disorders
  • Stomach & Kidney Ailments
  • Constipation
  • Peptic Ulcers
  • Liver Diseases

Mothers Connect is an initiative, a specially designed program by Dr. Deepak Goyal that aims to empower mothers with the knowledge to play an even more active and educated role in their child’s health and well-being. The initiative’s core objective is to reduce the anxiety and the fears Mothers have regarding their child’s nutrition that might lead to various gastro-intestinal issues. It is a program that will partner with mothers to help them understand and address their child’s gastro issues

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